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Iyengar Yoga Classes

B.K.S. Iyengar lteaches sirsasana.

How does an Iyengar Yoga class run?

The teacher suggests a sequence (this is a particular order of asanas) and builds up each asana step by step. This allows each person to build on this at their own pace, according to their own needs and abilities.

The teacher first demonstrates the attitude himself, explains it in a precise and detailed way, and then specifically tracks each student's progress.

Each class ends with total relaxation to release all physical and mental tension. Sequences can also consist of purely restorative postures and breathing exercises to promote deep relaxation of the mind and body.

Yoga props

B.K.S. Iyengar introduced the use of props, or tools, in yoga practice to support the body and proper performance of postures.

Yoga props correct the alignment of the body so that tension is avoided. Using props helps understand asanas better and makes yoga more accessible to everyone. The most commonly used props in Iyengar Yoga are blocks, straps, blankets and chairs.

These props help the yoga practitioner support or adjust themselves in all the different postures so that they can perform all the required movements safely and effectively.

B.K.S. Iyengar in urdhva dhanurasana  using props.

Quality and safety of Iyengar Yoga classes

The Iyengar method is rich and very complete. All teachers underwent extensive and professional training and took exams under the watchful eye of international examination boards.

A student taking classes from an Iyengar teacher is assured of quality, professionalism and personal care. All Iyengar teachers practise very regularly themselves and attend annual workshops and refresher days.

Every Belgian Iyengar yoga teacher is a member of the BIYAB.